Wednesday 18 December 2024
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Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination

People caring for people

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination

These are behaviours that create a hostile work environment by treating someone unfairly based on their personal characteristics or making them feel unwelcome and unsafe. Bullying, harassment, and discrimination can be subtle or overt, and they can create a hostile work environment.


How to identify bullying, harassment and discrimination behaviours

Typical examples include:


  • Repeatedly putting someone down or criticizing them unfairly.
  • Excluding someone from group activities or social events.
  • Spreading rumours or gossip.
  • Using threatening or intimidating language.


  • Making unwelcome sexual advances or comments.
  • Telling offensive jokes.
  • Displaying offensive materials.
  • Sending inappropriate messages.


  • Denying someone opportunities due to their race, gender, etc.
  • Deliberating excluding someone from training opportunities due to their age, sex. religion or sexual orientation etc.
  • Making assumptions about someone's abilities based on stereotypes.


What to do if you are being bullied, harassed or discriminated


Dignity at Work (Bullying and Harassment) Policy

Our aim is to ensure your safety and dignity at work. Therefore, we have a Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy and also the Dignity at Work (Bullying and Harassment) policy. Both policies can be found on the INTRANET under HR Policies. 

You are encouraged to bring to the attention of managers any examples of any unfair treatment you have witnessed or strongly suspect is taking place. We assure you that there will be no victimisation against any of our people for speaking up and raising issues or complaints or supporting colleagues in raising a complaint made in good faith.

We recognise that dealing with situations involving, victimisation, discrimination and bullying and harassment can be distressing and stressful for all those involved. We provide a range of support options available to both the person raising the complaint and the person against whom the behaviour is alleged as well as witnesses. This support is available at any stage of the Dignity at Work procedure and is detailed below.


Freedom to Speak Up Guardian


The Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) Service exists to support and advise anyone working in the hospital with a concern of any type:

  • Concerns about unsafe clinical practice
  • Training and improvement ideas
  • Personal employment issues
  • Staffing and resource levels
  • Cultural concerns
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Dignity at work issues

Speak to Elizabeth Swift, the Trust’s Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, on: or 

07771 674 682 or Extension 5834

Or reach out to one of the Trust's FTSU Ambassadors.


Head of Inclusion and Wellbeing or your People Partner

Our Head of Inclusion and Wellbeing or your People Partner can signpost you to the most appropriate source of advice.


Staff networks for support

Our staff networks exist to support you if you are being bullied, harassed or discriminated, particularly in relation to your race, sex, disability or sexual orientation. You can contact staff networks by clicking here 



This service is provided by a part time counsellor based in the Occupational Health department. The counsellor may be contacted directly through Occupational Health reception 5639 or by mobile on 07548 537996. There is a voicemail service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please be aware this service is not a 24/7 service and your call will be responded to as soon as possible.


Occupational Health Service

All employees have a right to self-refer to occupational health in confidence if their health is affected. Call on extension 2235 or email



Our Chaplaincy team is available to support employees, as well as patients and visitors. The chaplains provide religious, spiritual and pastoral care to anyone and everyone in the hospital who might need it. Whatever your faith, or if you have none, chaplains can be approached to listen and to offer support in any situation, whether personal or work related. Find them in the Chapel, (on Level 3, next to the Pharmacy); or call and leave a message on ext. 4271; or call Switchboard and ask them to bleep the duty chaplain.


Trade Unions

The Trust recognises the important role Trade Unions play in addressing bullying and harassment. Staff who are members are encouraged to approach their Trade Union Representative regarding their concerns. The Trust will work in conjunction with the Trade Unions in addressing unacceptable and inappropriate behaviours.

Person Centred & Safe





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