Monday 09 September 2024
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Staff Wellbeing Survey

People caring for people

Please complete our staff Wellbeing Survey

At SFT, one of our priorities is to make our hospital the best place to work. We know we can do more to support the wellbeing of our staff, and we're asking you to complete our Wellbeing Survey so we can hear from you what would help. All of your responses will be anonymous and confidential.

The link to the short survey is here: 

The survey questions are listed below so that they can be viewed using the Accessibility Tools on this website, you will need to click on the link above to complete the survey.

1Which Division do you work in?

Women and Newborn
Other (please specify)

2What Staff Group are you in? Please select the option that best describes your role:

Additional Clinical Services - nursing assistant, HCA, support staff
Additional Professional, Scientific, and Technical e.g. pharmacist, social worker
Administrative and Clerical e.g. senior manager, receptionist, ward clerk
Allied Health Professional e.g. dietitian, physiotherapist, OT
Estates and Ancilliary e.g. electrician, housekeeper
Healthcare Scientist
Medical and Dental
Nursing and Midwifery Registered
Other (please specify)

3What age bracket do you fit into?


4Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?


5Please select what gender you identify as:

Prefer to self-describe
Prefer not to say
Other (please specify)

6Please select which ethnicity you identify as:

White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
White: Irish
White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller
White: Roma
Any other white background
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian
Any other Mixed or Multiple background
Asian or Asian British: Indian
Asian or Asian British: Pakistani
Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi
Asian or Asian British: Chinese
Any other Asian background
Black, Black British, Caribbean or African: Caribbean
Black, Black British, Caribbean or African: African background
Any other Black, Black British, Caribbean or African background
Other ethnic group e.g. Arab
Other (please specify)
SFT currently offers a range of services to support staff wellbeing. Details are on the Wellbeing Portal on the staff intranet, SALi, and

7Which of the following services are you are aware of? Select as many as you like:

  I am aware of this I have used/accessed this in the last 12 months
Ability Confident staff network    
Active Bystander training    
Armed Forces staff network    
Chronic Pain service    
Clinical Psychology    
Clinical Psychology YouTube channel    
Conflict Resolution training    
Culture and Equity staff network    
Foodbank Referral    
Financial Wellbeing workshops    
Free Wellbeing apps e.g. Headspace    
Freedom to Speak Up     
Hub on-site food bank    
LGBTQ Alliance staff network    
Mediation service    
Menopause Champions    
Mental Health First Aid    
Occupational Health    
Odstock Health and Fitness    
Pensions workshops    
Recycling Centre    
Resilience training    
Schwartz Rounds    
Sleep workshops    
Trauma Risk Management (TRM)    
Walking routes and green spaces around the site    
Wellbeing Champions    
Wellbeing Conversations    
Wellbeing Trolley    
Wellbeing Zone in the Healthcare Library


8Do you know who the Wellbeing Champion is in your department?


9What does your team or department do to support wellbeing for its staff?

10Have you had a Wellbeing Conversation with your line manager in the last 12 months?


11Are there any other wellbeing services you would like SFT to offer staff?

12How is your health in general?

Very good
Very poor

13What would you most like to improve about your health?

14Do you smoke or chew tobacco (including cigarettes, roll ups, pipe, shisha) or betel nut?


15Would you like support onsite from SFT to help you stop smoking or chewing tobacco, or betel nut?


16To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
I know where to get support if my mental wellbeing is being impacted.          
My organisation has an inclusive working environment in which staff are encouraged to talk openly about mental health problems.          

17Thinking about your own experience, what contributes to you feeling exhausted? Tick as many boxes as you like.

A lack of good quality rest spaces at work
Being excluded or discriminated against
Being hungry or thirsty at work
Conflicting demands
Lack of support from your line manager
Lack of support from your team
Not feeling your work is valued
Personal mental health issues
Personal physical health issues
Poor behaviours in the workplace
Shift patterns
Staffing levels
The physical demands of your job
The volume of work or having too many priorities
Things happening in your life outside of work
Working additional unpaid hours

18What could SFT do to make a difference in reducing your exhaustion?

19To what extent do you agree with the following statement?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
I have adequate facilities in my workplace which support my health and wellbeing (e.g. lighting, washing, toilets, rest and changing facilities, and somewhere clean to eat and drink during breaks.)  

20What 3 things could SFT do to improve workplace facilities?

21Are you aware that you can request flexible working at SFT?

Security - Work Conditions
Over the past 12 months, during the course of your work...

22Have you been subjected to bullying or harassment while at work?


23Have you experienced aggression or physical violence while at work?


24What do you think SFT could do to help make our workplace safer from bullying, harassment or violence?

Security - Financial
People often find it hard to talk about money but if you could tell us a bit about how you're getting on, that could really help us support staff better. Your answers are confidential and anonymous.

25How confident are you that you will have enough money to give you the standard of living you hope for in a year from now?

Very confident
Fairly confident
Not very confident
Not confident at all

26How well would you say that you are managing financially these days? Would you say you are...?

Living comfortably
Doing alright
Just about getting by
Finding it quite difficult
Finding it very difficult

27Thinking about an unexpected bill of £300 which you have to pay within the next 7 days, which if any of the following would you do? Please select ONE option only.

I would pay it with my own money, without dipping into savings or cutting back on essentials
I would pay it with my own money, without dipping into savings but I would have to cut back on essentials
I would dip into savings
I would use a form of credit e.g. credit card, take out a loan, or make use of an authorised overdraft facility
I would go overdrawn without authorisation
I would get the money from friends or family as a gift or loan
I would sell personal/household item(s) to get the money
I couldn't pay this bill

28Have you heard of the Blue Light discount card scheme? (You can find out more at )


29What money saving discounts interest you the most?

Person Centred & Safe





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